Thursday, December 31, 2009


I am thinking about going to community college then proceeding to Texas A&M
i like Texas a&m because its still in Texas and its a Conservative college
but first i need to go to the local community college and take a few classes
but thats my plan one step at a time

Monday, November 9, 2009

if the Government is reading this

if the United States Government is reading this, all in can say is no Nancey no one cares what u have to say.
President Obama no one want public health care and stop spend hard working Americans money and no Iran is not our Allie israel is and russian is going to help us and i'm pretty sure the Queen didn't want a ipod,
for congress if you voted for the health care plane u better start packing up your office because when elections come around you're gone!
the U.S. corporate tax is so high and the unions are so out of wack, is the reason why businesses our going over sea's,
with Obama wanting to spend $10,000,000,000,000 dollars I'm pretty sure its only going to get higher.
We the people need to stop being lead down the pass of socialism and that the pass we are about to take with public health care.
yes there are people that need help but there are already programs that are accessible to thoughs that need it.
we live in the greatist country in the history of the word and i pray that no one can take that away not even President Obama.
we need to stand together and Fight for our Rights, for our Freedom and our Liberty!
GOD bless America

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


if you know me then you'll know that ive been looking for a new car.
today i think i found one
its a 2008 Mercedes slk, with very low miles
its small i know but, im only 20 years old so i dont care
anyways it a realy cool car
and its fast
I love cars
if i had alot of Money
i would probly have more cars than Jay Leno
(has 200 cars)

thanks for reading

Friday, September 11, 2009


I am 20 years old and I'm trying decide which career path I should take.
at the moment I'm between politics and video production,
the people that know me would say go politics but u have to think
what are the odds of some on getting into Congress or becoming President.
in video school I would go to the Art institute and they guarantee me a job
at Warner Brothers, FOX, or ABC or any other movie or television company
next week I'm going to schedule a meeting with the art institute.
but of corse college cost $ MONEY and a priveate school cost even more $$$ MONEY
but you cant make money with out spending Right?
well i Love politics But i think Video Production is the way to go for me.
thanks for reading
tell me ur thoughts on the matter

Sunday, August 30, 2009

#1 auto maker and future #1

There are three auto markets
American: GM, Ford, and Chrysler.
European: Mercedes, BMW, Audi, VW, Rang Rover, and Jaguar
Japanese: Toyota, Nissan, and Honda.

GM is the #1 Auto Maker, but with this economy i wouldn't be surprised if they don't get knocked down a few pegs.
i can see in the next year or so in Toyota becomes #1 then ford and GM in 3rd place
ill tell you my reason for this
when the Big three ( GM, Ford, and Chrysler) went in front of Congress to get bail outs
they were ask if they shouldn't just declare bankruptcy they all said no.
when it came down to it GM and Chrysler were the only ones that accepted a bailout
Ford a few month earlier had sold a few of their brands ( Jaguar and Rang Rover)
which gave them a cushion in finances.
after GM and Chrysler got their bailouts GM stock nearly Crashed and Ford stock sky rocketed
at the end of 08 ford stock was around $1.20 its now close to $9.00.
"i wish i would have bought in to that."
but ford has the #1 selling Vehicle in the wold F150
selling close to a million a year.
but even with that i don't believe ford can be #1
Toyota sell almost the same amount as GM, and if you watch the news you'll know that GM is getting reid of 2 brands and selling 2 more
while Toyota has always has Toyota and Lexus.
I can see a major change in car sells and who will have the rights to call them self #1 auto maker.
the European Auto market hasn't really changed all that much, Mercedes is the top seller in Europe.
while BMW is more focused on Performance, Mercedes is focused on luxury and power.
"i perfebly like Mercedes better because they were the first auto maker in the world ."

American: Ford
European: Mercedes
Japanese: Honda

thanks for reading

Friday, August 28, 2009

what is America

America is like Giant Business, Taxes payers are the share holders, and the government is hired to run it for us. a business has to make a profit to be able to to keep running, are business is in debt almost 10 trillion dollars. The people we have hired to run our business are not business people. The American people need to come together to get the right Representatives in is possible, but it usually takes a major disaster for people wake up and realise what is really going on in the world.are men and women over sea's are the only thing between us and another 9/11 attack. America isn't perfect but freedom allows u not to be perfect " freedom is the right to be wrong NOT to do wrong".

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


i was bloging at
but the only readers i got were from people wanting to sell me stuff
my cousin has a blog here so i thought i would start up here too.

im leaving for arkansas tomarow morning and i havent even packed my suitcase
and i realy tired.
this morning i woke up at 4:30 to go fishing at lake texoma
so im realy tired